As an environmentally conscious company, we are committed to doing our best to protect the Earth. As a result, we are finding ways to UPCYCLE our mosquito netting and other fabric off-cuts to minimize landfill. One of the products is our Pop Bags . . . by using them you will be assisting in reducing SINGLE USE PLASTIC!
– Buying loose fruit and veggies
– Lingerie bags
– Travelling shoe bags
– Gift bags
. . . . . Get creative!
As the entire bag is made from our mozzie net off-cuts, there are no material costs – only labour. Thank you for supporting and buying into our initiative, in more ways than one, as we are proud to be part of growing the Awareness of Waste.
Pop Bags
Set of two
As an environmentally conscious company, we are committed to doing our best to protect the Earth. As a result, we are finding ways to UPCYCLE our mosquito netting and other fabric off-cuts to minimize landfill. One of the products is our Pop Bags . . . by using them you will be assisting in reducing SINGLE USE PLASTIC!
These can be used for:
– Buying loose fruit and veggies
– Lingerie bags
– Travelling shoe bags
– Gift bags
. . . . . Get creative!
As the entire bag is made from our mozzie net off-cuts, there are no material costs – only labour. Thank you for supporting and buying into our initiative, in more ways than one, as we are proud to be part of growing the Awareness of Waste.